December 06, 2023

Top Neos Features Released in 2023!

a hurricane exploding out of a laptop

It’s that time of year again. (No, we aren’t talking about stuffing yourself silly with office holiday treats, but no judgment here! We are doing the same thing.) Rather, now’s the time to reflect on Neos improvements we’ve released in 2023 to help you, our much-appreciated customers. You’ve contributed hundreds of ideas to the Neos Ideas Portal, many of which have become reality. We welcome your suggestions and always take them into account when planning product updates.

Here are some stats:

Now let’s move onto the top features of 2023!

Neos Premium Texting - (NEW premium feature)

With Neos Premium Texting, you can simplify communication and track all messages in one place in full conversation threads.

  • Texts are automatically saved to relevant cases, saving you time
  • Anyone assigned to the case can respond, ensuring you never miss a communication
  • Your firm will enjoy a more efficient communication workflow and a better client experience

Case budget (customer request)

Case Budgets, visible in the case header and funds section, allow users to create a budget for a case and a warning threshold for when a case reaches a configurable percentage of $. The case budget is configurable at the case type level and can be edited on an individual case level as well. The warning threshold will influence the coloring of the budget in the case header and in the funds section.

Bulk import CSV (standard fields) with duplicate check (customer request)

When a new customer migrates from a different case management system or an existing customer needs to add a large number of newly acquired cases or contacts to Neos, Import from CSV provides the ability to do simple intake, case, and contact bulk imports.

Send new email from NEOS (customer request)

Users will now have the ability to draft and send a new email directly from Neos. This was an idea suggested and voted upon in the Neos Ideas Portal.

LawToolBox integration (customer request)

Litigators, who need to calculate deadlines for their cases, will have the ability to eliminate the manual calculation of deadlines by automatically calculating deadlines based on the rule of civil procedure and other statutes. The integration will monitor rules and update the calendar dates when an event is rescheduled or lands on a weekend or court holiday.

Advanced Analytics (NEW premium feature)

Advanced Analytics is our newest product that will revolutionize how your firm maximizes your business profitability. Powered by a lake of historical firm data, Advanced Analytics will visualize firm, group, and individual performance to help boost productivity, efficiency, and profitability. Within Neos, you can forecast revenue, analyze historical trends and perform advanced calculations to inform data-driven business decisions.

Case tab migration (customer request)

Seamlessly transfer data from one case tab to another.

NeosAI (Beta)

In the final quarter of 2023, we’ve been hard at work on an AI-enabled enhanced document generation workflow (which is still in the Beta testing phase). NeosAI will be able to supplement your existing processes to create content for common documents like demand letters.

Thank you to all our customers for your loyalty, ideas, and suggestions. We are looking forward to an even better 2024!


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